A new reality

 It took a while to get to this point of recording the progress in my life and work, and it feels like such a relieve, now that I am - at last - ready to get on with it.

Delays in doing the things you set out to do cause backlogs, and these can easily pile up. The result is distraction and a lack of focus on current events that need your undivided attention. It also results in a burden to carry, an extra weight on your shoulders, something you cannot forget about until it is done.

The question then is, 'Why not just get the things that needs doing over and done with; just do it?' 

This reminds me of the time I was working at Spur as a waiter, in Stellenbosch. You booked shifts back then, and even when you had a long shift that ended at midnight and was booked for a new, long shift the next morning, whether you were in the mood or not, you had to arrive for work, or you won't have a job. Back then, when I was working for a boss, or manager, it was all about showing up, and the reward was clocking up more working hours and tips. You just had to put your 'not in the mood' in your pocket and get on with your life.

When you are your own boss there is no one to force you to do anything. The idea of getting things done is a mind game; you set yourself goals, you have aspirations, and it takes action from your side to make it happen.

By accomplishing the things you set yourself out to do, you are building your own personal scorecard. It will give you confidence to take on more or bigger challenges, and in this way you learn about your capabilities. Even when you procrastinate and are plain lazy, these are recorded experiences that tells about your state of well being. Sometimes progress will be fast, other times it will take longer. Staying fit and eating healthy food three times a day, making time for yourself alone, these are actions that drive progress.  

During times when things are starting to pile up - when your work load is more than what you can handle - the goal is to keep this to a minimum. Some actions require the right frame of mind, and there is no point in tackling, or taking on a specific task when you are not ready for it. It will remain in the back of your mind, you will think of ways to deal with it, and when finally you take on that task, when you have the frame of mind to make it happen, the job will be done better and faster, and you will feel a weight lift off your shoulders.

In this new reality, it is an important point to remember, that action speaks louder than words. Even if it is a delayed action, just make it happen. Progress needs action. And like the richest man in the world now, Bernard Arnault, put it, "just do the right thing".

Now I want to talk about dreams and actions. I'm 61 years old now, and in this life I came to realize that your thoughts and dreams, your fantasies are things to take very serious. 

I've always dreamt of being a millionaire, and even though the numbers don't add up right now, I'm confident that I will die a millionaire, and only because I wanted to be one. I dreamt and fantasized about the freedom that money can give, and I live my life feeling more free most days.

Another dream that I feel I'm serious about, is to find a loving partner for life. My Tinder experiment has now resulted in me meeting a second lady after the first loving one may not be exactly what I am after. It is difficult to say good bye, and in times like these, I sometimes doubt my motives. It is exciting though to have close encounters with the opposite sex, and I shall guard against exploiting anyone, or wasting time, while at the same time learn more about myself. As in business, I think this process of finding love also requires a fair amount of good luck. Yes, and I was born lucky, so no need to stress. It is the investment in time in a process with no guaranteed outcome that sometimes gets me down.

With four months in the year gone, my financial goals are lagging but in this new reality, these numbers are not getting me down. I figured out that my plan of a holiday in Italy later in the year is not unrealistic, and all I need now is to sell another house or two, and I can start getting my visas ready for the trip. I still don't have a partner, but I'm sure I can convince my sister or someone to join me.

My super sale that I dreamt about and talked about in a previous post is off; for now. I believe that there may be a way to make it happen, and to get all the other big sales I'm thinking about, to start materializing too. It is about timing, and I haven't made the time just yet. Luckily, the normal house sales are picking up for the first time in a long time, and we may be at the start of a booming market in Obs.

In my new reality I shall not forget to treat myself. I'm no big spender, and the time for treating is usually during holidays, mostly once a year. Buying nice clothes and underwear, or bedding, towels, things that you can touch and feel, that you use daily, this is where I'd like to invest extra cash.

With my newest clothes now more than 5 years old, I cannot wait for my next big treat. In the meantime, I shall make an appointment with my optometrist and treat myself to a new pair of spectacles. Tonight I'm taking my son out for dinner at Saigon, one of my favorite restaurants in Cape Town, and now I'm going to get myself a brandy and coke and a cigar. Here's to progress!


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