On the go

It is now exactly a month since I'm back from Brazil, and my working life is starting to take shape. With the sale of only one small little house since the start of January, the stress should start building up, but with me striving for happiness rather than money, life is completely different from what it used to be.

Even though I have unexpected aches and pains, my exercise regime is taking shape with now 2 or 3 walks up Lion's Head in the morning, and a regular run on the beach in Noordhoek over weekends.

I'm trying to adjust my eating habits and making good progress with only a small meal at night, and a good and healthy breakfast in the morning and a hearty lunch, usually a bit later than normal.

My visiting friend and holiday partner was such a big smoker, that I thought of learning from the experience of having her around. I have cut out smoking during the week, with only a puff now during weekends. It is boosting my self esteem, and giving me now more time to catch up with what is something else that I've been neglecting before; reading. I therefore spent much more time catching up on finishing the New Yorkers that regularly arrived here a year ago, and weekend as spent gardening, shopping, browsing the internet and consciously exploring new ideas, recording these in my ideas book.

An idea that was triggered by the Cambridge course I did, and that may slowly be adding more value to my life is my subscription to Tinder. Yes, I'm now officially a bachelor and looking for a life-time partner, and even though I've had many responses, I have not personally met with anyone yet.

I'm making progress in establishing the value and benefits of my retirement annuities, with a meeting scheduled with a Liberty agent called Brad set for early April.

I remain keen on the idea of buying a piece of land - the bigger the better - in the middle of nowhere some place in the Karoo, and even though I thought of planting it with trees before, I got an idea that farming with donkeys because of the ever increasing demand of the Chinese. My research continues, and finding the money of around R2m to get started with a project like this is still elusive.

I'm meeting with my tax consultant tomorrow, when I will have a clear idea of my tax obligations and when I can decide on how I will finance my summer break in Europe this year.

The weather is beautiful and it helps uplifting the spirit. 


  1. Werner I truly hope that is some stupid trolling joke and if so you win! But Donkeys? Please don't make and Ass of yourself. By all means breed Donkies and improve the breeds but for goodness sake do not slaughter and sell the skins to the Chinese. Just cause the useless bought out nature conservation in South Africa might not have outlawed it donkey populations are falling and China does not have enough so they are raping Africa and you want to be a part of it cause of your greed and wanton lust for money.

    Donkeys can be a lifeline to the rural folk of Africa and by slaughtering them you are depriving Africans of necessary transport and work animals. For the newly rich Chinese bastards or think that their medicine does anything. Why not breed and farm with rhinos then you can personally shoot them and send the horns to China!

    Also good luck with raising them , they are slow to reproduce, don't let that bite you on the Ass!

    1. Trevor, thank you for being the first to comment on my posts. The donkey idea was nothing more than a donkey idea. I already find it difficult to shoot a rat, so killing a donkey will be too much to handle. My initial idea of buying a big piece of land and planting it with say trees got a set-back when I heard on the news of all the fires burning in this changing climate of ours. You can invest in planting a forest and it can burn down in no time. So, my search for something new to keeps me busy when I'm getting older continues.


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