Up and down

The life of an entrepreneur - in my case at least - consists of high times and low times. High times usually mean that you are up to date with your financial targets, while you are feeling down in the dumps when business is not coming your way as expected. The challenge is to deal with these low times in a way that you can uplift yourself in spite of the fact that 'no-one wants to do business with you'. 

A great way of empowering - for me - is to get out of bed early and go for an hour run. The blood running through my brain during this time usually gives me strength to get more than the usual amount of work done in a day. It gives rise to high productivity, and in the long run, earlier or easier access to the business that feels elusive.

When down in the dumps, following through on commitments like writing a blog also becomes a challenge. Notwithstanding this, here I am feeling confident that with experience and knowledge gained over the years, that I can get on with my life and work towards this new goal that I'm busy formulating, idealizing and realizing.

My smoking habit is slowly creeping back into my life now after receiving not only a big fat cigar from my son as a birthday present - and a packet of Cuban cigarillos from my brother - but this down in the dumps feeling also got me to become more reckless with my discipline. My reading is suffering, and my brain scattered with a lack of focus.

Luckily I found a cartoon that tickled my fancy and my marketing kicked off about a week ago with the distribution of these cartoon postcards in the neighborhood. 

The exercise and getting out of the office got me into doing different things - exactly what I needed - and with my goal of making much more moneys than before, I started focusing on big properties for sale in the area; the ones that looked reasonably priced. 

While in the process of re-establishing contact with the two or three millionaires I know, I received - out of the blue and in the span of a week - calls from another two ultra-rich clients, the one looking to sell and the other looking to buy. This resulted in me arranging a viewing of the most expensive property I've ever shown a potential buyer, with the potential of earning 75% of my yearly target with one sale.

Although nothing has come of it at this moment, the prospect of a successful sale still exists. But what is more is the impact of this action on my state of being, on my perspective and motivation.

I started this blog post 5 days ago, and thanks to my determination and feedback from clients since then, I found the inspiration to get back to completing the post.

Getting back to Tinder, I still spend about 30 minutes a day trying to exhaust the potential partners on the site. I've now had my first date which went well and we'll be going out together tonight for a second time. 

My business is also back in the swing of things with my first new property for sale in the new year now published on my web-site and newsletter with the information out to my client; it all happened earlier today.

Next up is my first newsletter of the year to home-owner, whereafter I can complete my postcard drop in the area around Observatory.

Here's to down and up!



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